Thank you for visiting my webpage. If you've bookmarked this site, press reload now. As you might notice, Dragonball and Ranma1/2 are my favorite animes. Below are links to different anime pages, image galleries, and fanfics. Check out my personal links. Special thanks to Poochster and SD SonGoku and the rest of my friends. Please let me know if any of the links don't work.If you have any suggestions or comments please e-mail me. Also, if you have any wavs., mp3s, pics, AVIs, or whatever please send them to me so that i can put them on my webpage.
My Anime Links
- My Dragonball Image Gallery
- these are pics i've chosen myself
- My Ranma1/2 Image Gallery
- these are cool Ranma pics
- Kenneth Wong's DB's Image Gallery
- This is a pretty good website for DB pics
- Dekin's Jet Li Page
- I know this isn't an anime page, but Jet Li is sooo cool!
- Dragonball Fanfiction
- This is a good site for DB fanfiction
- Anime Turnpike
- This is a good website for any anime
- Final Fantasy 8
- For you Final Fantasy fans, here is a really good site for the upcoming: FF8!
- Blake's Skate and Music Page
- This is my friend's website (just to let you know i ain't no skater, Asian Pride!!)
- Cprde's Punters and Progs Page!!
- This is my friend's page. If you enter this site, you are making a promise not to punt me (ronmarq and gokusaotme)
- My Sailor Moon Page
- This is my Sailor Moon page, but there's not much on it yet
- My Evangelion Image Gallery
- My Evangelion Page
- Hakryboy's Webpage
- This has FF8 stuff and Dragonball
- My My First Fanfic
- Ranma/Evangelion Crossover
- Poochster's FF8 page
- This is a pretty cool site for Final Fantasy 8
For those of you who are wondering who this is, this is the main character in Final Fantasy 8. His name is Squall (dumb name, eh? I hope they change it)
E-mail me or IM me (my screenames are RonMarq) My ICQ is 18054264
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